The Inclusive Community Development Network (ICDN) provides opportunities for people committed to building more inclusive communities to come together to share ideas, reflect on community development practice, hear from others working across a range of community contexts and provide a platform for influencing policy and practice.
Peter Kenyon, the lead consultant of Bank of Ideas, presented at our first ever online Inclusive Community Development Network meeting held on the 30th of April. It was fantastic to have Peter ‘beamed’ in from Western Australia. We have been wanting to connect with Peter for a long time. It’s ironic of course that we have finally done it in a time when we are potentially at our most disconnected.
We had fantastic feedback about Peter’s presentation which focussed on the opportunities to reenergise and reinvigorate communities in the wake COVID19. As he sees it, “we are living through a very challenging time and yet also a very exciting time. Before COVID-19 we lived in a world that was socially disconnected. When this is over the world will be different in many ways and we shouldn’t settle for a return to the ‘old’ normal. We owe it to the community to aim higher, keep persisting and find opportunities to challenge the systems that divide us and erode our sense of community”.
Peter has had 35 years of experience working in the field of community change and renewal and is internationally recognised for his Asset Based Community Development work.
The Inclusive Development Network meeting was a huge success, with over 50 people attending the online event, some of whom were from interstate.
Look out for our next ICDN meeting with another exciting guest speaker… and time to follow soon.

For more details please contact:
David Craig at [email protected] or 03 9416 4003 or Paul Dunn at [email protected].