General Enquiries
If you have a general enquiry, our Administration team might be able to help.
The VALID office is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays.
03 9416 4003
Leave a message if we do not answer. We will call you back as soon as possible.
Level 1, 144 Langridge Street, Collingwood 3066
PO Box 1476, Collingwood VIC 3066
Contact Form for General Enquiries
You can also email us directly:
Office: [email protected]
Having a Say conference: [email protected]
You can provide your feedback here:
Individual Advocacy Enquiries
Our Individual Advocacy team might be able to help if you have an issue:
- At home
- With a disability service provider
- With the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
VALID provides free independent advocacy for people with intellectual disability who are 18 or older and live in Victoria.
We have limited capacity to take on new cases. We prioritise situations where a person with an intellectual disability is experiencing abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Service providers / other professionals:
Email [email protected] with information about your enquiry.
People with an intellectual disability / family members / friends:
Phone: 03 9114 9415 and leave a message
Email: [email protected]
Contact Form for Advocacy Enquiries
Download our Complaint Policy (Plain English and Easy Read)
Download our Complaint Form (Plain English)