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Having a Say Activities

HaS 2025 - date & theme

Come and Try Activities


Why have Come & Try’s?

The Program of presentations and performances are the ‘main’ activity at HaS conference.   C&T activities are a secondary activity.

They are an optional activity for people with disabilities.  The aim is to provide:

  • accessible alternatives to workshops & presentations
  • a way to break up the day for people who back to back session difficult
  • an opportunity for social interaction and networking
  • an opportunity to try new activities that they might to do in the community
  • an opportunity to learn new skills 

How many C&T’s can I do?

C&T’s are only open to participants with a disability who are registered for the conference. 

So, workers, family members or exhibitors can not book for C&T’s.  (Note: where a participant requires someone with them in the activity, a support worker/carer can attend with them to assist the participant to join in the C&T activity)

Participants with disability registered for the conference can do two C&T activities:

  • they can choose one C&T Activity on Tuesday and one on Wednesday
  • plus they can attend ‘open’ activities on the Thursday morning that do not need to be booked into

NOTE:  Come & Try Bookings close on the 19th January 2025


The Organisers would like participants to note that these activities are offered as optional extras to the main conference program.  While every precaution has been taken to ensure that all participants will be safe, individuals choose to undertake the activities at their own risk. 

Therefore, the Organisers take no responsibility for any injury that may arise from participation in these activities. 

How do I book into C&T’s?

You book your C&T’s when you complete you registration online on Humanitix.  

NOTE: Registration will open in October 2024.

We suggest you decide on your C&T’s before you start the registration process.

The C&T choices will appear after you finish payment.

Remember that people with disability can choose two C&T’s

*     one C&T activity on Tuesday and

*     one on Wednesday only.

On Thursday morning there will be open C&T’s that you will not have to book for, you can just join in.

Places are limited

First in gets the spots in activities. 

This is because for example, we have supplies for 15 people for art or only enough space for 20 people in a room.

A full list of C&T with times and meeting locations will be available in October. 

C&T Activities are likely to include:

–  Karaoke

–  Harley Rides are back!  Yay!

–  Gentle Tango

–  Self-Advocacy Bingo

–  Craft – making sign/picture with wood

–  Art – painting

–  Dreamcatchers

–  Speed Friendship

–  Colouring for adults

–  Badge making 

Questions or more information 

Please contact Christine if you have questions or access issues. M: 0475 698 884  E: [email protected] 

HaS 2017 Karaoke Come & Try
HaS 2017 Harley Rides
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