Art Competition info below HGT
Having a Say's Got Talent - HGT
HaS’s Got Talent (HGT) Conditions of Entry
1. Entry is open to people with disability that are registered to attend the Having a Say 2025.
2. Please send this entry form to VALID no later than the 17th Jan. 2025. Only acts registered by then will be eligible to perform on the audition night.
3. The winner of the 2024 HGT competition cannot enter the competition in 2025.
4. A maximum of 2 acts are eligible to enter the competition from each service/organisation. (If you have more than 2 acts who want to audition, why not have your own Talent Competition?)
5. A maximum of 12 acts will perform at the auditions on Wednesday evening, 29th Jan. The 3 finalists of the auditions will perform at the closing ceremony on Thursday 30th Jan. in Costa Hall at 12noon
PLEASE NOTE: that there are more Conditions of Entry on the Entry Form, so please read these. ENTRY FORM
HaS’s Got Talent Show auditions will be held in the Luxor Lounge at the
Sphinx Hotel,
2 Thompson St, North Geelong.
You can contact the Sphinx Hotel on ph: 03 5278 2911.
You can get a meal:
- if you want to watch the performances while you eat, you can buy food from the Bain-Marie in the Luxor Lounge
- If you want a quieter meal, then book a table is in the Bistro, which is in the next room. ph: 03 5278 2911
Get there early to get a good seat/table.
Please note: This is an optional social event, so meals and drinks are not included in your conference registration fee.
Having a Say’s Got Talent (HGT) – Entry Form is now available

Thanks to the HaS’s Got Talent Sponsor InLife.

Art Competition
Entries are now open.
All the details are on the Entry Form
Barbara Donovan & Sarah Guilfoil Art Competition
The Art Competition has been named in memory of Barbara Donovan who was a Life Member of VALID and other Geelong organisations. She volunteered at the Having a Say conference for over 10 years and worked for people with disabilities over the last 50 years. Sadly, Barbara’s daughter Sarah Guilfoil passed away in May 2020. Sarah has won the Art Competition several times. The HaS Art Competition is now named in remembrance of both Barbara and Sarah.
Who can enter the competition?
- Three prizes will be awarded to people registered to attend the HaS conference
- Two prizes will be awarded to non-registered conference artists
- Entry is available only to people with a disability
The five winning entries selected will receive a cash prize and certificate:
- Conference delegates – The three winning entries will be awarded a cash prize of $600 and a certificate
- Non conference entry – The two winning entries will receive a cash prize of $350 and a certificate
The winners will be presented with the prizes at the closing Ceremony in Costa Hall at the Having a Say Conference on Thursday 30th January 2025.
Thank you to the Victorian Senior Practitioner for their continued support of the Art Competition. Under the Disability Act 2006 (Vic), the Victorian Senior Practitioner’s role is to protect people with disability and make sure staff and services provide good quality support.

All other details are on Entry Form
Original artworks (no photos) will need to be received by VALID by the closing date 30th of November 2024 to be eligible.
Post or drop off original artworks to the VALID office:
VALID has now moved office to
144-152 Langridge St, Collingwood 3066
so please RING the office on 03 9416 4003 before dropping off artworks to check if someone is there.
Entry Form can be sent via email: [email protected] no later than 30th November 2024

More Information
If you have any questions at this time, you can contact Christine on 0475 698 884 or email [email protected]