Unfortunately, there can be a big gap when it comes to people with disability having information to make choices about what they want and need before their NDIS planning meeting.
Often this means people have not had the time or opportunity to think about and talk about important choices, like their housing and living options.
VALID’s ‘My Housing Plan’ project looks to change this by giving people with disability accessible information and a roadmap around their housing and living options. This gives people a chance to have a say and lead their lives. Even if participants are happy where they live, there may be other choices about their home that they can make to help them live more independently.
The ‘My Housing Plan’ project will deliver interactive workshops to small groups of NDIS participants in metro, regional and rural locations in Victoria. These will be facilitated by people with lived experience of disability.
During the workshops we will engage participants to think creatively and positively about their housing and living choices. Participants will be given information, share experiences, build confidence, and skills. Participants will be encouraged to join in discussion, ask questions and think about what is important to them.
At the end of each workshop participants will have a ‘My Housing Plan’ that they can talk about with people that support them and take to their NDIS planning meeting. Every plan will reflect the housing and living choices, preferences, needs, goals, and dreams that are unique to its creator.
The ‘My Housing Plan’ workshops are free to NDIS Participants across Victoria.
If you are interested in being part of a workshop please call VALID on 03 94164003 or email [email protected]