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Steps to Speaking Up: Important things to know about the Child Protection system for parents in Victoria

Steps to Speaking Up: Important things to know about the Child Protection system for parents in Victoria is a 40-page booklet which uses clear sections and headings and an easy to read layout to help parents with disability understand and navigate the child protection system in Victoria.

It includes a glossary (word list) of some commonly used terms that the legal system uses to describe things around child protection, as well as a list of important human rights conventions and laws.

It also contains an example support plan, a list of places to get support with common problems, and a page to help you write down the goals you want to acheive, and more – all broken down into 12 steps.

Download the 40-page PDF (419KB) for the details and the 12 steps:

  1. Understand child protection
  2. Have good things to speak about with child protection workers
  3. Meeting with child protection workers
  4. Identify the issues and concerns
  5. Find support
  6. Decide on your goals
  7. Make a plan to solve the issues and concerns
  8. Speak up for yourself and your family
  9. Get good evidence (proof) and information
  10. Understand the different Court systems
  11. Speak up if you don’t agree with decisions or evidence
  12. Learn about the Children’s Court
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