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Stories from Home – Week 4

Week 4 Stories From Home – theme ‘The Future’

Hello My Future by Michelle Wilcox

Dad calls, “I think you should get some dope “.

“I don’t condone or support illegal drug taking “, I replied.

He was referring to Medicinal Cannabis.

I am a force of electricity; my uncontrollable muscle movements are alive.

I got together with my medical ‘drug dealer’ physician and got permission.

My first dose arrived by drug courier.

I began to embrace the hippie lifestyle. My movements as calm as still water

I look forward to a life where I am no longer the mermaid partying all night woken from the electrical movements charging through her body.

Eating without food flying and standing without feeling as if I was juggling.

A million balls in the air

A circus clown.

And it’s all totally legal.

The Future by Leisa Prowd

Let us never again take for granted the importance of connection.
The bliss of procrastinating over coffee.
The warmth of a hug, a shoulder squeeze, the shake of a hand.
The cramped seat in economy taking me back to where I want to be.
And where I will stay.

**Please note: VALID advocates for the rights of people with disability to assert themselves and identify personal and political issues that matter deeply to them through their writing. This next poem is written in that spirit. It contains some explicit themes and strong language.

Future Secret by Anonymous

when I finally get the fuck
out of this house I am going
to my boyfriend’s house where
we are not going to leave his
bedroom for days I need to be
touched really badly
like I’m craving now
my boobs and my pussy
I just want to break free

The Future: Things I am looking forward to by Judy Kelly

Getting back to work.

Getting more involved with Inclusion programs, including with the Hawthorn Football Club.

Getting back to the Gym.

Getting back to cafes & restaurants.

Going back to seeing Hawks training sessions & sports events.

Going back to the movies, shows & concerts.

The Future by Mary Nickson

My future will be a popular Job with my wonderful mates of mine from work. Yes am talking about having full time at VALID. And do My Disability Festival I always want to run a Disability Festival. It will be my next year now. And now I will be working on the YEARBOOK. I know my passion is to work. I know I can be very pushy without meaning too about my passion to work. My two best colleagues are going to show me the ropes and they are taking me on under the wing. And in my future I won’t be attending day services.

The Future – Things I am looking forward to by Michael Chan

On the relaxing weekend I drive up to the waterfront and have a cup of hot chocolate and coffee while enjoying spectacular views of the bay and fresh air. I’m highly anticipated to back to work, travelling by car, train and bus as I missed my colleagues so much. Finally, I reconnect with people close to me within the tight-knit community – whether is singing or acting, it’s incredible!

The Future by Eva Sifis

Covid is a window into many realities. Not all of them are welcome destinations, however I remain left with a glaring example of what could be a portent for the world. This, this brings a sigh of relief. I feel it, the mother, sighing, after being ravaged for so long.

ARE WE THERE YET? by ‘Sprig Mason’

Here is there.

There is here,

It’s all about the time,

Yesterday is tomorrows today,

If you can follow that line.

While I’m here, I know I was there,

if only a little behind,

given time I will get there

and if I don’t,

I don’t really mind.

*Please note the following entry contains use of strong language

Future by Raphael Kaleb

“Welcome to who the fuck are you and what are you doing on my planet”? My first guest is …” the Beurologists new podcast series”.

3 years later, I win Best Station Produced Comedy Content at the Australian Commercial Radio Awards.

Fear develops courage.

Courage encourages dreams.

Dreams create legacies.

With gratitude.

What I Look Forward to… by Trevor Dunn

What I look forward to after isolation

Job Seeker Payment is maintained

Robo Debt and Poverty under New Start a bad dream

Public Housing is given money to house the homeless

Walking past a rough sleeper in the street a distant memory

I sit in my favourite café

The Future by Chris Bodley

When the Corona virus has finished, I am looking forward to going shopping at my favourite shops.

Such as Kmart, the lolly shop in Yarragon and JB hi fi.

I would also like to go to All Creatures Great and Small. It is a gift shop in Yarragon.

I am looking forward to having sleepovers at my aunties house.

We will also have a big KFC party.

Future by Tom Leembruggen

Friends can meet up again.

We can go back to our workplace, Southern Stay and we can play sporting again. We can chuck a party at home, go to the races, go out to restaurants and friends can come over to visit.

I can’t wait to see my friends again.

When All Restrictions are Lifted… by Brodie Shaw

When all restrictions are lifted, I would like to go to the movies, go bowling with my friends Abby, Penny and Jack, hang out with friends, go swimming so I can do my exercises, and go to the pub! I keep bringing the pub up on my device because I really want to go!

The Future by Janice Florence

When we creep out of our caves, wearing our new Spring coats, I look forward to my friends in person. My enjoyment will grow if there is no money left to bulldoze lovely old buildings, replaced by brutal concrete boxes and soaring glass monstrosities, with my life stories buried beneath them.

The Return? by Ann Mina

Hi everyone

Are we still going to Yooralla on the 9th of June 2020

I want to see all my friends at St. Albans

I wonder when we are going back

I hope we can come back soon

The Things I am Looking Forward to by Vanny Mao

I am looking forward to start again my line dancing and practicing my Michael Jackson moves in the upcoming Yooralla’s AGM event at the end of the year.

I want to perform on stage my dancing skills.

I miss my indoor bowling and I would like to see Luna Park and Botanical garden.

I would like to try the Golf that seemed to be very exciting to learn.

This Coronavirus has taken a toll to everyone’s well-being, but I am not afraid.

I am me and I will fight for this. It will not stop me venturing what I like to do in life.

I DON’T LIKE CHANGE! by Samantha Weerasekera

In my future I don’t grow up, no chores, budgets and responsibilities. I love my family, friends, travelling and holidays unending. Workers help my peaceful routine enjoying nature walks, beaches, birds, trains; lots of drawing and drinking chai tea. I want mum beside me always she is my best friend.

In the Future by Luke Nelson

In the future, I would like to return to being able to have access to the hydro therapy pool so that I am able to continue with my program.

I am also missing having the freedom to go out for a meal or just a social catch up with friends. Also to be able once again sit at a cafe and have coffee or a hot chocolate.

Thanking you.

The Future by Georgia Green

Find a job that pays

See more of my family, I want to go to Adelaide

See my friends again

Justin, Andrew, Cass, Chris, Fee, Rachael, Rodney and Thelma

Going back to Moe Life Skills

Doing all my other programs

Girls night out

Feeling freedom

I miss Moe PAG and not connecting up with people

Getting out into the community

Going swimming, getting active, losing weight

Doing breakfast club

Being kind and caring