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Stories from Home – Week 5

Week 5 Stories – theme ‘Your Support’


My Journey Begins with Good Workers by Vanny Mao

Well it’s been a great moment for me, because I have the opportunity to engage with staff like Marianne, Jasmin, Sharmaine and Leanne and the rest of the Yooralla staff.

The staff have made feel welcome and I feel a lot better than before.

It’s like I meet these people for a reason.

I don’t know why but it’s been a pleasure that they worked with me.

Thank you God for letting me meet these staff.


Your Support by Candace

You fell from the moment.

Where will you land?

I watch the skies for your stories and hold out my arms.

I know the times you fell hardest.

Guess the times you fell through first.

I see the ground, glazed in your eyes and creeping larger with every help me glance.

You give me strength enough to catch you.

Just tell me where you fall.


My Support by Samantha Weerasekera

Some days I don’t want workers to come. Other days I like doing things with them. I like to be one of the girls and I enjoy it when all the workers have a party with me. It makes me smile. They are good friends.


Your Support by ‘Sprig Mason’

Wash your clothes,

Prep your meals,

Run your errands,

Cook, clean, scrub,

Do the shopping,

Do the dishes,

Weed the garden,

Stoke the fire,

Make the bed,

Make the coffee,

Put the bin out, bring the bin in,

These things are no effort,

It’s when you’re unwell,

I fall down.


My support is my family and friends by Tom Leembruggen

Family, family,

Friends, friends,

We can’t have warm hugs because CV-19 is not our friend

We are all in it together and doesn’t matter what happens

Keep on trying with a smile on your dial

When you are feeling down or sad or lonely

Keep on trying to smile


My Supports by Chris Bodley

My supports at Moe Life Skills are the staff members.  They all help me with my work and any problems I may have.

Mum and Dad also help me with my problems and my work.

I can also talk to my sisters about any problems that I may have.

My Support by Judy Kelly

I would love to thank my family for all their support.

Also Thank Myer Human Resources for regular updates on what’s happening at this difficult time during Myer temporarily closedown.

Also Thank VALID & Hawthorn Football Club for keeping updates.

I also have friends for support.


Support by Jessica Obersby

Hand holding.

Ear whispering.

Back rubbing.

Hair stroking.

All this support is stifling. My body can’t breathe. I want to break out, struggle, scream. I want to throw up. Empty my insides. Bile and vomit a pungent pool on the floor.

I need space.

I need support.


My Support by Georgia Green

I have support from my family

And Interchange in Gippsland

And Moe Life Skills Centre staff

And the Salvation Army Church

And Latrobe City Council

Support is about getting connected with people

It is being friendly kind and respectful…….To me

I made bracelets for my support worker’s children

They made loom bands for me

They are like little strings

They made me happy

They were nice to put on my bag


Support By Mary Nickson

I do have lots of support not just with my Family mostly all the time. I do get support with my work mates like David who help me a lot most of the time he is great gay to know. I do have support workers who takes me out do whatever I like to do not just shopping. I go wild like Ann another good mate of mine. When I lose someone one of my family members and Steph, she actually supported me she knows how I was feeling at time.


Friends by Raphael Kaleb

“We are having lunch each week.”

“I can’t afford to.” I protested.

“My shout each time.”   He dismissed my concerns.

“He’s the shepherd. You are one of the flock” his wife chimed in.

At 33 I came an orphan.

They hugged me.

“We are your family now.”


Your support by Ann Mina

Hi everyone

Winter is now here

It is very cold

Yesterday we had a meeting yes meeting and they were talking about friendship

Jeanette led the meeting, she was the leader in the Zoom

Olympia saw my hair and said wow now I am Blondie and also said Annie girl

That what Olympia Said

And I saw my friend in a zoom Liana

She was happy to see me and a boy named luck Lana didn’t let me to talk in the yesterday meeting

The carer helped me to write it and I told her what to write


Your Support By Jenna Bailey

What do you mean?


To stop something from falling?

There’s family, workers, and artists

Bob, Michael (Tiger during football season)

Bob is my trusty friend joined at the hip

Michael is my trusty steed for shopping and footy

Only manly colours in strong left-handed sticks and chairs!


Support by Janice Florence

Trevahhh! Where is he? Trevahhh! What? Can you find me a towel from the laundry? Which towel? A big one. There are three big ones. Trevahhh, Is all the stuff for your sister in the car? Yes, it will be soon. Trevahhhhh! Where are my glasses? Probably under something.


YOUR SUPPORT By Karleen Plunkett

I can get by without my leg brace,

Can get by without my cane,

I can get by without my dentures,

Can get by without my glasses,

I can get by without my hearing aid,

But no matter how hard I try,

I can’t get by without my wonder bra.


Your support by Luke Nelson

I have coped very well throughout this current isolation period due to having great support around me from support workers, friends, family. I have been able to continue with everyday life, still complete any goals that have been set. Due to a great support network.


Your Support by Michael Chan

Opening to someone who cares make us feel better and sharing our thoughts and feelings that strengthens relationships with them. It adds to intimacy of relationships and can help them understand more better. I do have great support networks like friends, choir members of community, counsellors and workmates that helps become aware of my signs and allow them to pick up these signals in future.  I hope anyone do the same and believe they can do it!


My Support by Andrew Prior

I have good support.

Moe life skills helps me. My support workers from there are Sarah, Abby, Ash and Majella.

Zoey, Paul and Anthony at Valid help me with Self Advocacy, so I can have my say.

My sister Julie and Geoff care and support me at home.

I’m lucky.

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