Week 1 stories – theme ‘Home’
Home by Raphael Kaleb
The aroma of fig and banana bread gently asks me to greet the world.
My lap top hums its approval eager to respond to my finger’s commands.
The silent main road startles me.
“Stage IV restrictions are now in place” begins the news presenter.
My home. My office. My prison.
Home by Leisa Prowd
Neon signs screamed warnings to stay home.
I had none.
Bunker down! Be safe till it’s over.
At Home.
My Home is on a plane, over the sea, on a bus, through the streets, down the road, up the stairs, through the door.
Into the white room.
Where you are.
Cooking at Home by Annie
I have been cooking with my carers I’ve been making Lemon curd and sausage rolls and vanilla moist pineapple cake and lattice slice and Toblerone cheesecake and cottages pie and beef and black bean stir fry and Anzac biscuits and Brownies and Toffee nut slice and tuna pasta bake dish and more to come. Also I made rainbow meringues with mum.
Games by Annie
I been playing board games with my carer we been playing monopoly and operation I didn’t like it very much the item bits were too hard to get off the body in the board and I kept on getting buzzed “ HA HA” then we gave that game aside and played a other board game bogan monopoly that game is the funniest game I ever played its so bogan “ HA HA”. Also I have been playing cards with my carer we’ve played skip bo I love that game its one of my favourites and we’ve been playing phase 10 also I love that game too its also one of my favourites as well.
Home by Sprig Mason
Secure, safe, warm and dry, familiar things, mementoes of my life. These found, remembered, the scattered and lost somewhere in time. The laughs, cheers, day and night and years. The summer heat, winters cold and day by day I’m getting old but in my head I keep it all.
Home by Karleen Plunkett
Home, where do I start. Looking over the desktop I see a fire burning, my Nana’s maiden hair fern, the vegies growing, hear my Love at the dining room table and see our dog lying in the sun. Home is safe and comfy and it knows the real me.
Home by Michael Chan
Since my hospitality jobs got cancelled due to enforced social distancing measures my daily life has been disrupted. Living with my parents at home I only had to spend time having Chinese dinner, watching news and exercise were now the ‘new normal’ I had to live in.
Home by Judy Kelly
I have been at home with my parents, at home since March 27th 2020.
I have been doing my workouts at home: exercise bike, weights, dancing & walks (when the weather is nice).
I have started a new hobby, which is music, plus kept writing.
I have been getting information about Mental Health and it’s been great.
Home by Brodie Shaw
I like cooking at home. I like chatting with my carers using our communication devices. It makes me feel like a celebrity. I like going on walks with my support workers and my dad. Sometimes I feel like I have to be polite at home when I don’t want to.
Home by Eva Sifis
Surprised. I am not hating all this time.
Not surprised. I know why.
Points to the fact I met someone last October.
Someone lives not far away and comes to stay.
Looking skyward. No stranger to being alone I am.
Grateful. My cards fell into a much desired for plan.
Home by Georgia Green
Helping the neighbour with her bins
Making stickers
Cleaning my room
Making my bed
Getting the bins in
Set the table
Put the dishes in the dishwasher
Take the dog for a walk
Take the rubbish to the bin
Dry dishes
Put washing on the line
Getting the mail for the neighbour
Home by Sharna Lee Love
I live alone in my home
My home by the sea
As I gaze longingly at the ocean
I realise Community doesn’t see me
48 days alone in my home, I do my best to face
The challenges of taking care of myself and my home
As I watch tiny fragments of my psyche and spirit erode
And other parts of me grow.
The Tree Outside My Window by Samantha Weerasekera
Home is a sunny apartment. A tree outside my window is home to many noisy mynas. Like clockwork they waken at 5.30. I like routine but I want them to sleep. I asked them to rise at eight o’clock, but they just keep drinking Chai tea and being noisy neighbours.
Home by Robbie Wales
My work-place is currently closed but being at home during the covid 19 period does have a bonus. Why you may ask? The reason is it has enabled me to get more one on one support from my support service and do the Valid writers award.
Home by Tom Leembruggen
We talk to each other at home.
Home sweet home by the sea.
Feeling warm with family love.
We can be open minded
When we feel safe at home.
We Zoom to meet our friends.
Come zoom with me.
I’m safe at home.
Home is where my heart is
Being at Home by Mary Nickson
Being at Home you could do lots of things like working from home, knitting, cooking, lying in bed, read a book, watch TV, Dancing and Writing. And Keep Up a date with all or Valid work as for me that is more important thing on my mind. I love being a part of a group of people who runs a meeting. I am working on a couple things like Peer Action Group Yearbook and I am making new Proposal for the PAG Leaders in Frankston one the mates like the idea of this and having an office there I found the place. As you see I am a workaholic that all I do is just work as you can tell. I do other things like reading books more into Community Development Network and even reading Harry Potter collection too that’s all I do at Home.
Two collaborations of chosen words arranged by artists from Arts Access Victoria’s Frankston Get Out! Studio
Collaborations of chosen words arranged by artists from Arts Access Victoria’s Frankston Get Out! Studio
Home is a relaxed warm comfortable bed of my time
Home is where the heart is toasting marshmallows in the fire while cleaning your mirrors
Home is getting my bed socks nice and cosy for chocolate hugs
Home is home cooking making toast coffee and tea
Home Shit Home
I hate living at home because in here I can’t move
I can’t move
I can’t see people at all
I’m at home doing
Jack shit nothing
Nothing at all
It feels shocking
Home is shitting me
What happened in my home yesterday?
A Selection of Pieces by Ann Mina
It is Autumn
It is bored to stay home but we have to do it
Because it’s from the viruses
Very dangerous
Have to wash your hands
After the toilet
After you pray with the dog
If you got one
Wash your hands
Before lunch
Wash your hand breakfast
Wash your hands before dinner
We have to stay home everyone
We have to wash our hands before breakfast and lunch we have to wash our hands
I can’t even see my friends at Yooralla in St Albans
According to recent news on channel 2
The restrictions on COVID-19 will be Tomorrow Friday
I am bored because of the viruses
everyone have to stay at home
because of the viruses
I heard it on the news on channel 2
there’s nothing to do at Home
we all have to do the right thing to wash your hands after breakfast
After lunch you wash your wash your hands
After dinner you wash your hands