We actively engage with families
Families are often the primary source of information, support, guidance and advocacy for people with intellectual disability. So it makes sense to invest in making sure families are well informed and supported to do these things positively and effectively.
VALID actively engages with families to empower them and encourage person-centred approaches when supporting their family member.
We work with families to:
- Be partners in advocating for the rights and interests of their family member with disability
- Be allies in their family member’s formal support provision
- Improve their understanding of their responsibilities, and the rights and responsibilities of their family member’s staff and service providers
The Succession Planning Puzzle
‘What will happen to my family member when I can no longer support them?’
Unfortunately, this question is all too common. So in 2021, VALID ran free courses and follow-up support to families around succession planning for their family member with disability. This was made possible by a project grant from the Victorian State Government ‘Supporting Carers Locally’ program.
This 4-week course is now available on a fee for service basis. Family members/carers can pay using the ‘carer training’ item in their family member’s NDIS plan.
The course includes 4 core sessions:
- Support to map out what you need to put in place for the future
- Information on options for financial, accommodation and legal issues
- Setting your family member up to receive quality of care – for example, forming a Circle of Support that is dedicated to supporting them to live life on their own terms
- Consolidating legal and financial issues – for example, estate planning; and understanding of the different types of Attorneys, Guardianship and Administration
Learn more or book your place:
Managing your NDIS plan
VALID’s signature 4-week NDIS training course
Whether you’re managing your own or a family member’s NDIS plan, navigating the system and getting the best outcomes can be difficult and overwhelming.
VALID offers training and workshops on all parts of the NDIS process – from how it works to refresher workshops to update you on recent changes.
This course is available online during the day and evening.
Who should come?
- Anyone managing a family member’s NDIS plan
- Individuals self-managing their own NDIS plan
- NDIS support workers who want to help participants get the most from their NDIS plan
What is covered?
- Session 1: How NDIS processes work, including recent changes
- Session 2: Getting effective support from your NDIS package
- Session 3: Developing a plan for the future
- Session 4: How to manage NDIS plan supports and funding
$520 including course materials and running costs. This can be funded through your NDIS plan, or by nominees as ‘carer training’ in the participant’s NDIS plan.
Additional information:
Contact Christine for more information and support:
- With your NDIS claim with this course
- If you’re not sure whether this course is right for you or you need more information
- Christine can send you a registration form that you can complete electronically or by printing, signing then scanning back to us.
Please register 2 weeks before courses start. This gives us time to post you a course folder. The folder includes session booklets, templates and a USB with resources on most things disability!
Learn more or book your place:
Practical 2-hour NDIS workshops
VALID’s Families team runs workshops for families and disability support staff about different parts of the NDIS process. These workshops are helpful for anyone supporting a family member or NDIS participant to get the most out of their NDIS plan.
Topics include:
- Advocacy: how to support people in an empowering way to live their best lives
- Understanding NDIS plan funds and how to use these effectively
- Circles of Support: what they are, how to build them, and how to fund them.
Why choose a VALID NDIS training workshop or course?
VALID is an independent, award-winning not-for-profit organisation that has been advocating for people with disability since 1989.
Our NDIS workshops and courses are delivered by trainers with lived experience in managing NDIS plans for their family members with intellectual disability.
We have been delivering training on the NDIS since it was introduced in 2016, and we are constantly refining our training to keep up to date with NDIS changes and best practice.
More information: