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The VALID Podcast is a podcast produced by the Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID), based in Melbourne, Australia. VALID provides a range of advocacy and information programs that knit together to support people with a disability on their journey towards empowerment, inclusion and a good life in the community. The VALID Podcast provides regular commentary and updates on VALID’s work, and chats with other people who share their stories about disability.
Our first podcast is an interview with Robert Martin MNZM. Robert, former Inclusion International Council member, was elected in 2016 to sit on the United Nations Committee to monitor the Convention for Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). Robert is the first person with an intellectual disability to sit on a UN Committee. Robert was one of Inclusion International’s representatives during the negotiations of the CRPD. He helped to shape some of the key articles such as the right to live and be included in the community. Robert will serve on the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the term 2017 – 2020. As one of 18 Committee members, he will monitor State Parties implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Robert’s election to the Committee acknowledges a lifetime of advocacy on behalf of disabled people and in particular people with learning disabilities, both in New Zealand and around the world.
You can read the transcript here