Power Through Knowledge
Join our free support groups for People of CALD background in Frankston, Hobsons Bay, and Maibyrnong to: Learn more about your disability rights, disability services
VALID’s Position on Supported Decision Making
VALID’s position on Supported Decision Making is that genuine and co-designed efforts towards supporting the true decisions of every individual with intellectual disability are critical.

Calling all aspiring writers with intellectual disabilities in Australia! It’s time to put pen to paper for the 2024 Dulcie Stone Writer’s Competition. We’re thrilled

VALID’s summary position on mandatory provider registration
Summary of VALID’s position on Recommendation 17: ‘Develop and deliver a risk-proportionate model for the visibility and regulation of all providers and workers’ VALID understands

Romolo Turco – enhancing the rights of people with disabilities
Romolo (Rom) is a worthy winner of the Pentland/Banfield award for his contributions to enhancing the rights of people with disabilities. Rom is an honest,

Break the Silence – advocates call for urgent reform of State’s gag law
MELBOURNE: Disability advocates and their supporters will call on Victoria’s Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes MLC to act urgently to reform a law effectively rendering voiceless people