VALID calls for the timely implementation of all DRC recommendations
After four and a half long years, in which people with disability told their stories and gave evidence with great determination and resilience, the DRC’s

Speaking up leads to empowerment
VALID’s Keys to Success Program (KSP) is a training course in empowerment that supports people to learn about speaking up and having a say. Groups

NDIS Review Webinar
The NDIS Review spoke in a webinar this morning about the 10 key areas for reform: Community-wide foundational supports. Mainstream services such as health and

Allies come in all ages
One of our community development teams Peer Action Groups have been working on a pilot program for Kindergarten aged children within the Geelong and Bellarine

Call to action to the NDIA
“It’s ok to make mistakes but you just have to learn from it from your own decisions in your brain. Mistakes happen.” As the Victorian

Statement in support of a Voice to Parliament
Uluru Statement from the Heart Easy Read VALID notes The Uluru Statement from the Heart calls for the establishment of a First Nations Voice to