The P.S Project
The aim of the P.S Project is for VALID to connect with people who lived in institutional care in Victoria, have minimal or no active

Leading In Health
Members of the Geelong and Bellarine Peer Action Group have been working closely with Western Victoria Primary Health Network and Supporting People with Intellectual Disability

Disability Liaison Officers
Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) are health workers who work in health services across Victoria. DLOs help people with a disability to access health services and

Justice For All
VALID presents “[They will use] My First Name”, a virtual reality documentary exploring the experiences of people with intellectual disability in Australia’s criminal justice systems.

COVID-19 Updates
People with intellectual disabilities are more likely to contract, get very sick and die from COVID-19. And a lot of people with intellectual disabilities haven’t

Seven things to do during lockdown
A lot of us are in lockdown again, and this time it might be feeling really, really hard. With that in mind, the VALID team